There is a huge problem in the world of guitar right now.
Teachers, books and even conservatories are robbing you of your true potential. They are leading you farther and farther from your musical dreams. Whether you practice to get the gig or just for pleasure, mainstream guitar education is feeding you one huge lie.
It's called... ENDLESS FINGERING PATTERNS. The result is what I call PATTERN-THINK, and it is eroding the very foundation of your musicianship but also of your skills, on the instrument. While you compensate by buying more and more gear, your deepest musical dreams remain unfulfilled. OK, maybe not you... but we all know "that guy," right? RIGHT?!
I was "that guy." I remember it like it was yesterday. I was hanging out with some friends. Got invited to jam with one of the top jazz players in my local scene. It was the opportunity of a lifetime. He, an older gentleman, presided over the session, on piano. The rest of us tagged along.
“There’s nothing in the world worse than having an opportunity you’re not prepared for. Good luck usually follows the collision of opportunity and preparation – it’s a result of that collision. You gotta be prepared."
Quincy Jones
When he had had enough, he looked me in the eye. His sole remark was "you gotta listen more." I was devastated. The issue was not that I couldn't make out the contours of what he was playing. The issue wass that I found it impossible to translate onto the fretboard, in real time. Although I understood music theory at a pretty deep level and had worked for years to develop my hearing, I simply could not make use of it on guitar. Any of it. Opportunity wasted. Man, if I had known then what I know now!
I was furious. I had done everything I could to be ready for a moment like this. But still, I could read music... just not on guitar. I could think music... but I couldn't improvise outside of basic pentatonic patterns. I knew theory and harmony... but I could not translate it onto the fretboard. Not without having to stop and think... and the moment of inspiration is gone. Along with every opportunity. I, like so many others, was trapped in PATTERN-THINK.
The question few even ask is why pattern-think? Why think in patterns? Charlie Sexton has thought about this. He seems to understand that it all boils down to the tuning of the strings. But even he, a professional with amazing chops, clearly does not have the solution. At all!
“Guitar in general is really an idiotic instrument... the basic design of a guitar. I mean, it’s tuned in fourths except for this one string, so the odds are against all of us, from its inception, basically. And so anyone that makes that a little bit easier on guitarists, you know, that’s ground for sainthood, almost.”
Charlie Sexton, guitarist with Bob Dylan
But what if that actually wasn't the case? What if the guitar isn't "idiotic" at all? What if it's quite literally perfect, you just can't see it yet? What if PATTERN-THINK comes from a simple inability to grasp the essence of the instrument?!
Think about it. I've met complete random accountants, drunk at a party, who could name every note on piano. Kids learn this stuff in 5 minutes. Meanwhile, top-level guitar pro's are doomed to PATTERN-THINK, forever locked out of true musicianship, on their own instrument. Without the right approach, "grasping the essence of guitar" is impossible. You, my friend, are not alone.
Hi, my name is Eric Alexander. And no, I'm not postulating myself for sainthood here. I'll leave that up to you! ; ) After years of research into the history of our instrument, I discovered one simple truth. The reason for every failed PATTERN-THINK approach is the seemingly strange tuning of the guitar. But at the same time, the solution to this problem is THE TUNING ITSELF. Has to be. Makes sense when you think about it. I mean, where else would it be? The tuning system is what determines note layout throughout the fretboard, right?
You just have to be able to see this one unique pattern, first. See, that's the hard part. The good news is, once you see it, you can't unsee it. And I've done all the hard work for you so that you can start making use of it TODAY. I've boiled down the very best of 10+ years teaching and researching the guitar into a simple, step-by-step system that covers everything in music, all of it with this one shape. How is this even possible? Simple. The entire logic of the instrument is embedded in the tuning of the strings! It's a thing of beauty.
“Trying not to follow your fingers on guitar, but the music you have in you; just to transfer it to your instrument... this is what I personally have been striving toward all my life. I think this is a really great effort in that direction.”
Vojislav Ivanovic, guitarist and composer,
“This is great for the amateur guitarist, but also for the intermediate and even the advanced guitarist. I wish I had a Greek version of it for my students!”
Dimitris Kotronakis, classical guitar virtuoso,
I call it VISUAL GUITAR, and here is what some top level musicians have said about my books and courses. Inside this book, I will teach you one fingering pattern to defeat the many headed dragon of pattern-think. It's so simple. Just like the pattern of black & white keys on piano, so that you always know what notes you're playing, in all 12 keys.
How to permanently defeat pattern-think with just one fingering pattern so that you always know what you're doing on the fretboard, in any mode, in any key.
Where all the notes are so that you can play ANYTHING without having to stop and think about it. You will never lose that moment of inspiration again.
How to avoid having to memorize strange shapes by rote & repetition. There is nothing to remember. The notes are all just there, like on piano. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
How to make all of this work even with ZERO knowledge of music theory, while laying the groundwork to make that deep understanding easy. Once you can hear it and see it, it's easy.
The fulfillment and joy of creative freedom. The feeling you get when you finally break out of the cage of fingering boxes is impossible to describe... it's all right there, at your fingertips.
This is it. The magic starts here, with this one fingering pattern that contains every aspect of music. More than just a pattern, it is a system. You won't find this anywhere else.
$100 to $200 Value
The 5 Pent Map of Tonality
Use the pentatonic shapes you already know and love to cover every aspect of music, harmonize anything & build great chord progressions. All built right into LINE 0.
$100 to $200 Value
LINE 0: Black & White Notes
Use LINE 0 to instantly know which notes are white and which are black, on all 12 keys. Guitar just got as visual as piano. Develop true musicianship and world class skills.
$100 to $200 Value
Modal Interchange
Unlock your melodic creativity. Use LINE 0 to seamlessly navigate and harmonize all 7 modes across 12 keys. Shift from one to the other, for a dazzling array of sound!
$100 to $200 Value
Tactics & Strategies
Forget "tips & tricks." Now you have a system—LINE 0—and a strategy to implement it. You will always know how to apply LINE 0 to any aspect of music. Mastery begins here.
$100 to $200 Value
Because Visual Gutiar is about the instrument itself, it works no matter what genre or style of music you play. You can even take it further and use these concepts & techniques to create your own style!
Depending on where you're at, each of these concepts & techniques could take from one to quite a few lessons to teach 1-on-1. My rate is $100 USD per hour. But there is no way I'm charging $500 to $1000 for something I want every guitar player in the whole wide world to see. Does $200 seem reasonable?
And because you are a first-time customer, when you join the Visual Guitar Members' Area today, I will also throw in something special: 3 grooves from Modal Magic. Each has been recorded in all 12 keys, for a total of 36 funky tracks to jam to ($36 Value). Modal Magic is your own personal jam band and the perfect companion to Visual Guitar.
7 grooves to jam to
a PentaGuitar course by Eric Alexander
Put to use the concepts you will learn in Visual Guitar instantly with Modal Magic. This free bonus includes the three most important harmonic groups used in contemporary JAZZ / ROCK / POP.
$36 Value
Special 24 hour introductory one-time offer... get it all for the price of a couple string sets TODAY!
instant PDF ⬇︎
Will you wake up tomorrow morning in the exact same rut? Or will you have taken action? Are you ready to finally elevate your guitar playing to the standards you hold yourself to?
To reward action-takers, and to get VISUAL GUITAR into as many hands as possible, I'll offer it to you at a very special discount. Only today.
Yes, it can take a long time. If you've been trying for years—but find yourself stuck in a rut—or you would simply like some 1-on-1 instruction, let me personally be your guide. I will help you understand the guitar like never before, so that you start making the music you've always dreamt of making, TODAY.
My rate is $100 USD per hour. When you sign up for your first 1-on-1 today, I'll give you your copy of VISUAL GUITAR completely free.
Select 'VISUAL GUITAR + 1-on-1'
Hey there! It's me, Eric Alexander. The creator of Visual Guitar. I know you are about to absolutely transform your journey as a musician and as a guitarist. In fact, you will 100% renew your understanding of the fretboard or I will personally send back every penny you paid.
My personal guarantee to you